The EuroHPC Summit Week (EHPCSW) 2021 joined the main European HPC stakeholders from technology suppliers and HPC infrastructures to scientific and industrial HPC users in Europe. From 22 to 26 March 2021, in digital format this time, different keynotes and workshops addressed the challenges these technologies face in key sectors. In parallel, the sessions of PRACEdays21 brought together experts from academia and industry to present their advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering.
DeepHealth in the BDVA/DAIRO Workshop on HPC, Big Data, IoT and AI future industry-driven collaborative strategic topics.
The “BDVA/DAIRO Workshop on HPC, Big Data, IoT and AI future industry-driven collaborative strategic topics” workshop launched on the 23rd of March 2021, was held as a part of EuroHPC Summit Week 2021 and was chaired by Maria Perez (UPM). Monica Caballero from everis, as the DeepHealth Project coordinator, and Jon A. Gomez from UPV, as the Technical Manager of DeepHealth, gave a pitch on the key facts of the project and detailed the perspective of DeepHealth for identifying research and innovation needs in terms of convergence and alignment of the basic technologies and their utilization by industry. In particular, the impact, the challenges and the DeepHealth approach were described highlighting the four topics addressed in the session, i.e., Data, Workflows, HPC-Cloud Infrastructure and AI-ML training. The DeepHealth contribution to each topic focusing on impact challenges were also presented. The session also included an interactive activity on Mural, which boosted the volume of interaction. The presentation slides are available at Zenodo.
DeepHealth project – the innovations of which have been analyzed by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar in terms of actively exploring value creation opportunities, was accompanied by Cybele, Lexis, Evolve, IoTwins and Infinitech while other initiatives were also discussed.
More information is available at the BDVA official website and on the official website of EuroHPC Summit Week 2021.