DeepHealth has been present at different sessions in HIPEAC Vision 2021, the annual flagship conference on computing systems carried out this year as a virtual event.
DeepHealth was invited again to participate in the workshop “HeLP-DC: Heterogeneous and Low-Power Data Center Technologies”. The 4th edition of the HeLP-DC workshop involved again the four European funded projects belonging to the ICT-11 call (LEXIS, EVOLVE, CYBELE and DEEPHEALTH) with the contribution of the EuroHPC programme and the Heterogeneity Alliance (HA), together with industry representatives. The main objective of this session was to foster sharing project results, and exchanging ideas, experiences and lessons learned around technological solutions to boost HPC systems and their link with AI, cloud computing and big-data.
DeepHealth contributed with two talks: Monica Caballero from everis, Project Coordinator, gave a general presentation of the project, and overview of the current status highlighting the main advances and progress at the end of the 2nd year of the project. Eduardo Quiñones from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), gave a more technical oriented talk focused on leveraging heterogenous HPC and cloud computing infrastructures in the DeepHealth project.

Marco Aldinucci (UNITO) also participated with an invited talk at the PARMA-DITAM 2021 Workshop, the 12th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures and 10th Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms. The talk was a technical presentation about “HPC application cloudification: the StreamFlow toolkit”, advocating a cloudification of HPC applications through a cluster-as-accelerator pattern and demonstrating how StreamFlow, a Workflow Management System framework developed in the context of DeepHealth can proficiently support this pattern.
More information about HiPEAC Vision 2021 on its website and its brochure.