DeepHealth sets up the External Advisory Board

DeepHealth sets up the External Advisory Board

DeepHealth has formailized the composition of the External Advisory Board (EAB) of the project with the commitment of three experts. The EAB is a partner-nominated group of independent experts covering knowledge of key areas of the project. They will support DeepHealth partners providing comments and recommendations about the project scientific goals, the identified requirements and implementation plan, the progress of the activities and contribute with many other observations in order to ensure the maximum impact of the DeepHealth project and future uptake of its results.

The EAB team, chair by partner UPV, is currently formed by the following members, already involved in providing feedback to the project partners.

  • Aurelia Bustos, Medical Oncologist and Computer Scientist, Co-founder in Medbravo. Aurelia Bustos, MD, PhD in AI is board-certified medical oncologist practicing during more than 18 years and computer science engineer with a PhD in AI applied to medical text and medical image. She has a multidisciplinary expertise in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, software engineering, health technology, clinical oncology, clinical trials and cancer research industry. Se has awarded in 2019 with the Order of Civil Merit by His Majesty the King of Spain – Felipe VI for the commitment in Oncology research and the application of AI techniques.
  • Marco DaneluttoFull Professor at Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa. Professor Marco Danelutto obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 1990 and he is currently a full professor at the University of Pisa, Department of Computer Science. His main research interests are in the field of structured parallel programming models for parallel and distributed architectures. He has authored over 180 papers appearing in refereed international journals and conferences. He has been teaching different courses related to parallel/distributed computing and he is currently vice-responsible for the master’s degree in Computer science and Networking at the University of Pisa and vice-director of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa.
  • Rubén Casado, Big Data lead at Accenture Spain. Rubén Casado received a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science in 2005, a M.Sc. in Computing in 2008 and a PhD in Software Systems in 2013 from University of Oviedo, Spain. He has worked as a researcher and teaching assistant at the University of Oviedo, where he is currently a member of the Software Engineering Research Group. Currently, Rubén is the Big Data lead at Accenture Spain. He is focused on the delivery of innovative high performance data & analytics approaches for customer from different domains including financial services, retail and public services.

More information about EAB members and their biographies available in this link.

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