University of Turin and Città della Salute e della Scienza Organized workshops on DeepHealth in the context of the CardioX event
As part of the CardioX event, organized by SIRM – Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology on 9 and 10 September at OGR Turin, workshops were held on the relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Radiology.
The Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiology of Città della Salute e della Scienza of Turin, for some years, has set up a laboratory of Radiomics and Giorgio Limerutti and Paolo Fonio are responsible for it.
Città della Salute e della Scienza and the Computer Science Department of the University of Turin work side by side on multiple research topics and in particular in the “DeepHealth” project where, under the coordination of Marco Grangetto, they are involved both in the application level part, as responsible of three medical use cases and in the technical one, addressing AI technology and parallel and distributed platform (based on HPC4AI).
The purpose of these “Boosting medical imaging with AI” workshops, held on 9 and 10 September, was to illustrate the activities of the laboratory and the progress of the ongoing experimentation in the DeepHealth project. The session covered the following topics: perspective of AI in medical imaging, presentation of the main outcomes of the DeepHealth project, interactive demo on CT scan segmentation (DeepHealth use case). Each session lasted 30 minutes, with about 20 participants.
In you missed the presentation, or you wish to revisit it, you may find it here.