First version of the DeepHealth libraries publicly launched

First version of the DeepHealth libraries publicly launched

First versions of the two libraries developed within the DeepHealth project, EDDL (European Distributed Deep Learning Library) and ECVL (European Computer Vision Library) are already publicly available in GitHub.

EDDL and ECVL are two of the major outcomes of the DeepHealth project, forming together with the associated front-end and backend application, the DeepHealth toolkit.

  • EDDL is an optimized tensor library for distributed deep learning with hardware transparency support for CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. It is a general purpose software that can be used to design, train, evaluate and put in production any network topology designed by a Deep Learning expert. EDDL covers most used DL functionalities in the Health sector, whether not limited to it.
  • ECVL is a library that facilitates the integration and exchange of data between existing Computer Vision and image processing libraries. The library also provides high-level Computer Vision functionalities thanks to specialized/accelerated versions of some CV algorithms commonly used in combination with Deep Learning (DL) algorithms, ready to be used with EDDL.

Usable versions of their C++ and Python versions are already available, together with installation instructions and examples of use.

Development is still on-going, so, more updates are yet to come, in special towards their distributed versions and their adaptation to be efficiently executed on HPC and Cloud infrastructures.

All information and documentation in the GitHub repository of the EDDL and ECVL.

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